
Life is better together! Community Groups at CBC are an excellent way for you to grow deeper in your relationship with God and to be known and cared for in a spiritual family. We believe that life-change happens best in the context of relationships, and our hope is that every person can find a smaller environment where your name and needs are known. One of CBC’s four values is to Build Kingdom Family and Community Groups serve as a primary vehicle to help us accomplish that vision. 


Find a Group!

We have Groups for every age and stage of life! To find a list of open Community Groups, search our Group Finder tool below! 

Group Finder will go live on February 15th!

(Can't find a group thats right for you? Consider leading one of your own! See next section below.)

Become A Community Group Leader!

We're always looking for humble and servant-hearted men and women to serve as Community Group Leaders. Below you'll find our process for pursuing Community Group Leadership at CBC. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] .

1. Equip - A three-step journey designed to help you know the heart of CBC, discover your spiritual gifts, and join a team. Register here and join the Group Leader Team to make an impact! 

2. Community Group Leader Application and Interview - This is our chance to hear more about your journey with Jesus and your chance to learn more of the expectations of being a Community Group Leader at CBC. Click the button below to begin your application! (The interview will take place at Equip's Step 3.)

Community Group Resources:

We have provided a list of recommended resources for your community group! It includes:

  • CBC-Recommended Studies and Curriculum
  • Sermon Discussion Questions
  • Access to RightNow Media

Frequently Asked Questions

At CBC, we believe deeply that life is better together

Life-change happens best in the context of relationships, and our hope is that every person can find a smaller environment where your name and needs are known. 

One of our four core values is Build Kingdom Family, and Community Groups serve as a primary vehicle to help us accomplish that vision. 

We are a church of Community Groups (not with Community Groups!) and Groups are an excellent way for you to grow deeper in your relationship with God and to be known, cared for, and pastored in a spiritual family. 

Our groups meet regularly in homes, apartments, and coffee shops throughout the city to pursue authentic relationships, experience biblical fellowship, and deepen their love for God together. 

We offer 3 semesters per year where you can join a group. Below is our 2025 calendar:

January 26 - April 27 (13-weeks)

June 1 - July 12 (6-weeks)

September 7 - December 6 (13-weeks)

However, you can join a group at any time! If you arrive at CBC mid-semester, feel free to use our Group Finder tool below to see which groups still have openings and jump in! 

Search for a group HERE using our Group Finder tool! (Coming Soon!)

We have Groups of all kinds! We have a Free Market system, which means there are a variety of groups to choose from. You can choose from:

Hobbies or Interests - like hiking, pickleball, basketball or sewing.

Life-stage Groups - like students, young adults, single, married couples, parenting, or empty nesters.

Various Topics, Studies & Curriculums - like Bible studies, Sermon Discussion Question groups, Care groups, Prayer, Outreach, and more!

We offer 3 semesters throughout the year to join a group. Most groups will meet weekly during these times in 2025:

January 26 - April 27 (13-weeks)

June 1 - July 12 (6-weeks)

September 7 - December 6 (13-weeks)

Most community groups meet in homes, apartments, or coffee shops throughout the San Antonio area.

Group time will vary based on the activity or study, but generally the time usually is broken into the first hour of intentional fellowship and prayer, while the second hour centered on God’s Word through a biblical study or activity of some kind.

Yes! Please visit our Community Group Resources page to find curriculum suggestions, Sermon Discussion Questions, RightNow Media access and more!

Since most Community Groups meet in homes, we do not offer childcare. We encourage every Group to discuss their childcare needs and to make a decision together based on what is best for your family. Some groups choose to have their family or friends watch their kids during group time, while others let kids play independently in the room next door or even use a shared-sitter approach. A key principle we recommend is creating space for authentic adult conversations where little ears are protected. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].